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boundary commission – draft changes – interactive map

The link below will take you to an interactive map where you can view what the currently suggested changes are from the existing Ward boundaries…

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Flooding reported today

Once again we have seen Rainham Road flooded between Coniston Way and Wood Lane.  Also, we have seen the sewage bubbling up in Harrow Lodge…

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BEWARE – Rogue traders posing as council workers

I had a report tonight of 3 men posing as workers from the Council.  They had accents like they were from the middle east.  …

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Boundary commission update

The Boundary Commission published a second set of draft recommendations on 12 January 2021. They will consult on the new draft recommendations for 8 weeks,…

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Delivery of the Focus Magazine (printed) delayed

Hello all, Members of the HXRA receive a monthly magazine that informs you of some of the work we do, gives advice and highlights scams…

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Havering WILL go into TIER 3 Restrictions from Wednesday 16th December

Havering will enter Tier 3 ‘Very High Alert’ restrictions from 00:01 on Wednesday. This means that current restrictions will change. Here’s what you need to…

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Tier 2 and Tier 3 restrictions

Next Thursday we will find out if we are to remain in Tier 2 Restrictions or if this will be upgraded to Tier 3 Restrictions…

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Free Saturday Parking in Council Owned Car Parks around Christmas

The following just came through on internal council email. PLEASE – check the car park and read the instructions before you leave – it is…

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Remembrance Sunday Elm Park

Remembrance Sunday was much quieter this year in terms of numbers showing their respect in public, but the respect shown was as poignant as ever….

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Secret Garden for the Blind

Havering Volunteer Centre in partnership with the Friends of the Secret Blind Garden have launched a crowdfunding campaign to improve the only outdoor recreational space…

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