Posted in Elm Park news General Hacton News Hylands News St Andrews News

Tier 2 and Tier 3 restrictions

Next Thursday we will find out if we are to remain in Tier 2 Restrictions or if this will be upgraded to Tier 3 Restrictions…

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Posted in Elm Park news Hacton News Hylands News News St Andrews News

Free Saturday Parking in Council Owned Car Parks around Christmas

The following just came through on internal council email. PLEASE – check the car park and read the instructions before you leave – it is…

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Posted in News Police St Andrews News

Car Theft on the increase – keyless vehicles

I received this recently from the local SNT police recently   ——— Dear Ward Member, Unfortunately we have had a rise in vehicle thefts over…

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Posted in News Police St Andrews News

Overnight Crimes – St Andrews Ward

Overnight Crimes. Morning.  Pleased to report no Burglaries.  We have had several Car Crimes. Theft from Motor Vehicles :- 10/11 10:50 Queens Theatre Car Park…

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Posted in Elm Park news Events General Hacton News News St Andrews News

Remembrance Sunday Elm Park

Remembrance Sunday was much quieter this year in terms of numbers showing their respect in public, but the respect shown was as poignant as ever….

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Posted in General St Andrews News

2 Hours Parking at Sainsburys Hornchurch

The parking allowance for Sainsburys car park in Hornchurch is 2 hours only during a single day. Theses restrictions run from Monday to Saturday 7AM…

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Posted in Elm Park news Events Hacton News Hylands News News St Andrews News

Secret Garden for the Blind

Havering Volunteer Centre in partnership with the Friends of the Secret Blind Garden have launched a crowdfunding campaign to improve the only outdoor recreational space…

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Posted in Elm Park news General Hacton News News St Andrews News

Cavendish Avenue Planning Application

We have been asked by Sue Smith a resident of Cavendish Avenue to publicise an online petition against the planning application to build 21 apartments…

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Posted in Elm Park news Events General Hacton News Hylands News News St Andrews News

Wall of Remembrance – RBL Elm Park

We started with 21 crosses and now have 174 with £1200 raised so far for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The Wall has also…

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Posted in Elm Park news General Hacton News Hylands News St Andrews News

National restrictions from 5 November

Here is some information that may help you decide what you can and can not do during the 2nd ‘lock down’ starting 5th November 2020…

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