Posted in Elm Park news Flooding General Hacton News Hylands News News St Andrews News

Flooding in Abbs Cross Lane

On Monday 26th July with the support of Julia Lopez MP and her team, I attended a meeting with the following Key Stake Holders from…

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Posted in Elm Park news Hacton News Hylands News Police St Andrews News

e-scooter update

Over recent months there has been a lot of discussion and speculation regarding the laws covering the use of e-scooters. I have attached a letter…

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Posted in General News

Havering Council staff contacting residents regarding COVID19 vaccinations

A link to one of our extended group (HRA) posts you might be interested in   Havering Council staff contacting residents regarding COVID vaccination  

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Posted in Events St Andrews News

Langtons Gardens – Summer 2021 Events

Please find a list of what is happening in Langtons Gardens this Summer.

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Posted in General News St Andrews News

NEW Glass Recycling bins at Queens Theatre car park

As the Glass Recycling bins in Sainsburys Hornchurch were over full, Councillor Gerry O’Sullivan and I met with the recycling team and discussed potential sites…

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Posted in Elm Park news General

The judges are coming – London in Bloom Elm Park – Thursday 15 July

Only a few more days now until the judges arrive from the Royal Horticultural Society to assess Elm Park on Thursday 15 July.  A big…

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Posted in Elm Park news General

Success – Defibrillators for Elm Park

After a slow start we have achieved more than we could have imagined.  Thank you so much to everyone who contributed.

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Posted in General News St Andrews News

Flooding In Abbs Cross Lane 3.7.21

Flooding In Abbs Cross Lane 3.7.21 Once again, the residents of Abbs Cross Lane had to contend with another bout of flooding early this morning….

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Posted in Elm Park news General Hacton News Hylands News News Police Scams St Andrews News

A message from a Banker

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Posted in Elm Park news General

ARMED FORCES DAY 2021 – Elm Park

We were pleased to join together to show respect for our armed forces and thank them for their service on our behalf.  Particularly we remembered…

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