Posted in Elm Park news General

Bretons Farm Allotments – Flooding

Councillors Barry Mugglestone and Stephanie Nunn were contacted by an Elm Park resident whose allotment is under water for many weeks each year.

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Scrutiny that will not work

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Volunteer day at the Blind Garden

Pictures courtesy of Peter Barrett  

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Posted in Elm Park news General

Defibrillator for Elm Park

We’re really happy to report that we have pledges for approximately 25% of the cost of the defibrillator. Thank you so much everyone.  Plenty of…

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Posted in News St Andrews News

Glass Recycling Bins in Sainsbury’s

The recycling bins were removed from Sainsbury’s car park about a month ago. At that stage I made some enquiries and was told that the…

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Posted in Elm Park news General

Prince Philip – 1921-2021

Elm Park showed their respect to HM Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday 11 April 2021 on the death of her husband HRH Price Philip, the…

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Posted in Elm Park news General Hacton News Hylands News News Romford Town St Andrews News

FREE Parking in Council Car Parks and On Street Bays from 12th April

The council have announced that free parking will be applied to ALL Council Owned Car Parks (be careful, not all car parks are council owned)….

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Posted in Elm Park news General

Graffiti in Elm Park

Some success in getting graffiti removed for Barry and Stephanie  

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Posted in General Hacton News News

St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub – Suttons Lane, Hornchurch (Updated 2/4/21)

Over the next few weeks consultation will be underway on the new St George’s Hub, please read what is proposed and look out for when…

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Posted in Elm Park news General Hylands News St Andrews News

Swan Lake

In all my years of visiting Harrow Lodge Park, I don’t think I have ever seen so many Swans in the lake.  It is quite…

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