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Cavendish Avenue Planning Application

We have been asked by Sue Smith a resident of Cavendish Avenue to publicise an online petition against the planning application to build 21 apartments…

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Wall of Remembrance – RBL Elm Park

We started with 21 crosses and now have 174 with £1200 raised so far for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The Wall has also…

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National restrictions from 5 November

Here is some information that may help you decide what you can and can not do during the 2nd ‘lock down’ starting 5th November 2020…

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A Resident contacted us to ask if the “School parking enforcement – The school street scheme” is applicable in school holidays, as She wanted to…

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Poppy Appeal – RBL Elm Park


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Poppy Appeal – Hornchurch 2020

As the poppy distributors are not going to be out as we normally are – please find attached some information that you may find useful…

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Hacton Ward News letter

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Driving Licence Scam

Please see the following email that I received this morning. Do not click on the blue update button below. This is obviously a scam. Please…

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We give thanks for the Merchant Navy

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VJ Day in Elm Park – Saturday 15 August 2020

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