Temporary Experimental Traffic Scheme Minster Way Hornchurch.

On Monday 21st June 2021, the temporary experimental traffic scheme in Minster Way went live. What does this mean for motorist?

In short it means.

  1. You are no longer allowed to turn left from Wingletye Lane into Minster Way when you are traveling from the direction of the A127.
  2. You are no longer allowed to make a right turn out of Minster Way into Wingletye Lane.
  3. You are no longer allowed to drive across Wingletye Lane from Minster Way into Maywin Drive.

Enforcement cameras are in place and motorist who fail to observe these new restrictions will be issued with a penalty charge notice.

Author: Councillor Gerry O'Sullivan

Gerry is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

9 thoughts on “Temporary Experimental Traffic Scheme Minster Way Hornchurch.

  1. Not at all Mr Burke. At the forefront is safety.
    There have been multiple accidents in Minster Way.
    If people read and follow the signs they will not receive a fine.

    1. If there has been multiple accidents in Minster Way perhaps the LBH should be looking WHY? Then deal with the issue. What time of the day were these accidents/collisions? What month, personal injury, roadside damage? Etc. By implementing for a ‘trial’ period a No Left Turn does not prevent vehicles or their drivers speeding. If the reasoning for this experiment is safety and speed, then deal with the issues in that street, ie speed humps, reduce the speed for that street, speed camera.

      1. Mick,

        The issue for the accidents is in most part down to speed. We are fortunate that this has not caused loss of life, or involved a child from the 6th form college yet.

        Speed humps are either shallow and have little effect on the speed of vehicles OR they are not shallow and cause the residents issues of sound as vehicles pass over them.

        We have had several complaints from residents where speed humps have been installed due to noise and in some cases residents have complained that cracks have formed in their properties and in one recent case a speed hump was removed.

        Would you like a speed hump outside your home?

        Several options were discussed before the decision was made for this experiment. It is not purely the speed of vehicles that is the issue.

        The system has not yet been live more than a few days, once people get used to the change they will find alternative routes and the issues we are currently seeing may quieten down.

  2. I believe there is a two week ‘grace’ period where drivers will not be fined. according to ‘Havering News’. Trees need to be trimmed to ensure the signage is clearly visible. I am a Minster Way resident and have observed numerous cars turning left into Minster Way, right onto Wingletye Lane or going straight across into Maywin Drive this week. Either drivers are ignoring the signs or not ‘seeing them’. Takes time to change habits. New traffic arrangement also not yet reflected on navigation systems such as ‘Waze’. I think the Council will make a lot of money out of this. There are long queues at peak times on Wingletye Lane. Many schools/colleges are not running at full throttle at the moment – September promises gridlock. Why not put speed bumps down Minster Way? The technology is also there to make Minster Way residents exempt if these arrangements are made permanent – has that been suggested?

    1. Thanks for the comments and questions Ann.

      I agree, it will take time for vehicle users to get used to the change. And you are correct, ‘sat navs’ will take time before they are updated with information that will reflect the changes (if this becomes a permanent change – please note this is an experiment that will run from 6-18 months).

      The sign posts are visible, we have requested that some foliage is cut back to help the visibility.

      Drivers should be aware of any sign posts and follow them. If they do not they run the risk of receiving a fine.

      The speed bump question I have answered above.

      We need to look at the bigger picture of why are so many people using Wingletye Lane and heading back towards Upminster?
      To enter Wingletye Lane from the A127 drivers have passed an exit to Upminster. Why are they doing this?

      The congestion appears to be concentrated around rush hour at present. We will see in a few weeks if the drivers find alternative routes and the issues abate somewhat. If not we will look into the options open to us to help alleviate the situation.

      With regards to your question of allowing residents to make the banned turn – it was asked before by a resident. I personally do not see that this would be allowed.

      I hope this has answered your questions

  3. Paul,
    First of all would love a ‘speed hump’ outside my house.

    You say speed is the main reason for most accidents, then if this is a safety concern deal with it along Minster Way. There are plenty of other ways if residents do not want speed humps, such as speed cushions, speed tables, chicanes, road narrowing or speed cameras.These methods will physically restrict the manner in which the vehicle is driven. Traffic calming is a useful way of controlling drivers’ speed.

    Taking a short cut “Rat running” is not illegal.

    You also say “Why are so many people using Wingletye Lane and heading back to Upminster” and “We will see in a few weeks if drivers find alternative routes”. These quotes tell me that there has been little thought or analytical studies taken place before the current trial.

  4. Dear Gerry 0’sullivan Councillor, there seems to be a thoroughly wrong attitude by Havering Council to almost every decision they make! In regard to the Pilot Scheme to stop Vehicles turning Right from Minster Way into Wingletye Lane and Stop Vehicles turning Left from Wingletye Lane into Minster Way! If this is a Temporary Pilot Scheme then why are the Cameras already Up-and-Running in 3 directions to the New Road Layout? The Council site this junction as a Safety Hazard! Well, Double Yellow Lines for the first 30 feet on all approaches to this junction should solve that problem! Add a White Circle Mini Roundabout as is the case at the other junctions of Wingletye Lane at Poole Road, Herbert Road and Parkstone Avenue and the problem is completely solved! To stop people using any Road is only going to increase the Traffic at the Wingletye Junction to Upminster Road, which will increase Pollution and enrage all Climate Change solutions to Traffic Pollution! There will be a build-up of Traffic every day during School-Run Times and Rush-Hours! The current proposal is Totally 0ut-of-Touch with current Pollution initiatives and at the very places where Residential Housing is prevalent! I live off St Mary’s Lane which makes a mockery of all the Pollution initiatives in these Peak Traffic Periods! 0f course unless you are a Resident whose immediately affected by this crazy New Scheme you have no idea as to the dangers of increased Traffic to both St Mary’s Lane, Upminster Road and Wingletye Lane Residents.
    If Havering Council can’t even fill all The Potholes all over this part of the Borough, then it beggars belief that they have money to waste on this ill thought Road Scheme! Perhaps allowing Busses to Stop in the Layby adjacent to Upminster Bridge Station might help the Traffic Flow? This Pilot Scheme is like most others in this part of the Borough that lead to unnecessary width restrictions in Bridge Avenue, Humps all along St Mary’s Lane. No through Road onto Highview Gardens, Cranbourne Gardens, and Champion Road. No Left Turn from St Mary’s Lane and Cameras everywhere without the consent of the Residents! As I say there’s only one way in and out of Upminster and it’s via Upminster Road and St Mary’s Lane, so all the residents need to stand up and be counted to Stop this Pilot Scheme Madness! So far in Havering £20 Million spent on Road Humps and Traffic Islands etc.
    Mark. Upminster Bridge.

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