Langtons Gardens and Fielders field update

The Langtons Gardens and Fielders field project update


We have some free spaces for our popular outdoor Compost workshops on the 5th July, bookings only- please see attached poster and contact:


We hope to get our programme of outdoor activities out to you soon, depending on government announcements next week.


Outdoor volunteering has resumed, in small groups. Our next session is Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th July, please email me for more info.


We gave an outdoor history talk to the local University of the 3rd age group on Monday, and they very kindly donated £60 to the Friends of Langtons Estate group.


Our swans and geese have done very well this year, 6 cygnets, and 2 goslings, last count.


We also did a bat survey on Monday, but we only had one reading of a Noctule bat this time, no visual sightings. We hope for more, and shall try again.


Our newt survey in our wildlife pond built by Thames Chase volunteers did not confirm the presence of great crested newts, but we do have newt spawn.


A reminder that you can find our free exhibition and activity sheets here:


And a historic feature from our garden is described in this latest publication:

And finally, Havering has a new local arts competition (Deadline: 25 June 2021). Our wildlife volunteer Sim, and her family made a bird and squirrel spa, and with another fantastic volunteer called Eddie made a bug hotel and toad hall for the woodland in Fielders Field! The squirrels found it straight away which was great. I also put up a poster asking the local community to add to the bug hotel too (but not take material away), and enter the competition. Sim says “loads of people have been reading it and commenting on how lovely this is. I have heard lots of “wow!” from kids”

Here is more detail if you would like to enter:

Following last year’s success, Havering Council is hosting another Let’s Waste Less Creative Exhibition. All ages are welcome to take part. This year’s theme has been widened with the title “Let’s grow together & waste less”. We encourage any creative response to this theme: it could be photos of your creative indoor garden, maybe using toilet roll tubes as plant pots, you could have made a sculpture, collage or any creative response out of items you would have otherwise thrown away, or even created a planter from a delivery pallet. The photos you submit do not have to be current.  Please feel free to share work and projects you have previously created as well. To enter, please take a photo of your creation and email to


In other news, we have had reports of paid for outdoor exercise sessions taking place in Langtons Gardens, please be aware that permission is required, and the only permitted sessions so far are every Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am, in the western gardens, contact: . Please report any others to ParksPolice or myself, so that they can get properly registered with us.


Best wishes,


Lisa D. Lock (née Campbell-Bannerman) | Langtons Gardens Activity Officer

London Borough of Havering | Neighbourhoods |  Environment | Public Realm

Langtons House, Billet Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 1XJ


t 01708 434149 | m 07949 108 143



text relay 18001 01708 434149


Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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