Hornchurch Residents’ Association showing respect on Remembrance Sunday

Hornchurch Residents’ Association councillors attended Remembrance Sunday Parades and services to show their respects in Elm Park, Hornchurch, Romford and at the RAF Heritage Centre.

Councillor Ray Morgon (Leader of the Council) laid a wreath at Romford and also attended the RAF Heritage Centre with Councillor Reg Whitney.  Councillors Barry Mugglestone and Julie Wilkes attended the parade and service in Elm Park and Councillor Stephanie Nunn (Deputy Mayor) attended the Parade and service in Hornchurch along with Councillors Paul Middleton, Gerry O’Sullivan and Bryan Vincent of St Andrews Ward and Councillor James Glass of Hylands Ward.

Author: Stephanie Nunn

Steph is a Ward Councillor for Elm Park & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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