Life-saving emergency app for BSL users

999 BSL: The new life-saving emergency app for BSL users

Dear Watch Member,

A new app was released on the 17th June 2022 which will allow users to make free calls to UK emergency services through a BSL interpreter.
What is 999 BSL?
999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.
This service has been set up so that no deaf person will be excluded when they need to make an emergency call, therefore saving lives.
How to make a 999 BSL call?
There are two ways to reach the emergency authorities through 999 BSL service and they are:
• iOS and Android App (smartphone and tablet)
• Web-based (other devices)
There are three very simple steps. You will need to:
1. Open the app (needs downloading beforehand) or webpage
2. Press the red button ‘Call 999 BSL now’
3. Connect to an interpreter

When to use the 999 BSL service?
The 999 BSL service is for emergency situations ONLY, for an example if someone is seriously injured; lives at risk; being in danger or harm; a serious offence is in progress or just has been committed.
For less urgent situations, please use Police 101 (wherever possible) and NHS111 through SignVideo – not 999 BSL, unless there is an emergency.

Here is the link with BSL video explaining it all
Here is the link to download the app:
For more information:
For more information about the 999 BSL service, FAQs, and how to download the app, visit the 999BSL website.
For any enquiries, please email ">
If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:
Lisa Schofield
Deputy Community Coordinator

Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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