St Matthews Church. Chelmsford Drive RM14 2PH

The Rev. Mark Smeed, The Curate to the Parish of Hornchurch (St Andrews, St George and St Matthews) runs an after school club during term times on a Friday between 15:15 and 17:15 at St Matthew’s church on Chelmsford Drive. The club is a welcoming, free, safe and warm space, where families with children of all ages, can come along, enjoy crafts, board games and warhammer. The parish provides free food, teas, coffees and most importantly biscuits!

The idea behind the club is to try and ensure families can get a meal every Friday, while encouraging children away from screens and promoting quality family time as well as building our local community. We have a wide range of families who attend all of whom have a great time.

Further details can be had by contacting the Rev. Mark Smeed, The Curate to the Parish of Hornchurch on 07947 341986.


Author: Councillor Gerry O'Sullivan

Gerry is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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