Which? Scam alert

forewarned is forearmed  – please read these if you want to be aware of the latest scams.

PayPal ‘money request’ email scam

Scammers are exploiting PayPal’s ‘request money’ feature to scare customers into calling dodgy phone numbers and giving away their personal data.

This scam involves fraudsters sending fake emails requesting payments for high-value items, or posing as HMRC to demand ‘overdue’ tax payments. If you call the number in the email, you’ll be ringing a scammer phishing for your personal information.

Discover how to spot a dodgy message.

Reporting PayPal scams

‘Fake’ rental ads

Action Fraud received more than 6,000 reports of online rental scams in the year to December 2022, with victims losing more than £10m.

Fraudsters are using platforms such as SpareRoom and Facebook to trick renters with fake listings. In some instances, scammers pose as landlords and ask for deposits before a viewing has taken place. With scams so commonplace, it’s critical to stay vigilant when searching for a property online.

Find out how this scam works and how to avoid it.

Watch out for fake ads

Microsoft impersonation scam

Scammers are impersonating Microsoft in dodgy emails telling recipients they must update their Hotmail password. 

If you click the link in this email, you’ll ultimately be asked to enter your email address and password on a website that uses fake Hotmail branding. And if you enter your details, you’ll be giving scammers access to your emails.

Learn how to avoid this scam and report it.

Spotting fraudulent emails

There’s now a much easier way to make us aware of scams directly with our scam sharer tool. Tell us your experiences of phishing emails, fake texts, cold calls and other types of fraud.

Stay vigilant,

Which? Scam Alert team

Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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