Which? Scam Alert service

TV Licence and DVLA scams are doing the rounds again!

These emails persuade you to click on suspicious links to update your TV or driving licence information or claim a refund. They use official logos to create convincing scam emails that urge you into clicking.

We show you the fake emails and explain how to check if an email is genuine.

Fake emails

The latest news: fraud accounts for 41% of crimes against individuals

The government department responsible for tackling fraud has been criticised for its inadequate response to a growing crimewave.
The UK is in the grip of a fraud epidemic – fraud now accounts for 41% of all crimes against individuals, compared with 30% in the year ending March 2017.

Find out more about the latest report, what we want to see change and how to report fraud.
The fraud epidemic

There’s now a much easier way to make us aware of scams directly with our scam sharer tool. Tell us your experiences of phishing emails, fake texts, cold calls and other types of fraud.

Stay safe,
Which? Scam Alert team


Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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