Carriageway Resurfacing Works – Beulah Road, Hornchurch

Carriageway resurfacing is planned for the above road during the following date and times:

Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th February 2021, 08:00 – 17:00 daily

There will then be a return visit on Friday 5th March to replace the red surfacing at the entrance to Beulah Road at its junction with Suttons Avenue

During these times, Beulah Road will be closed to traffic between Suttons Avenue and Cedar Road with diversions in place.

Any vehicles wishing to access properties within the closed road, may be required to drive the diversion route, however, there will be traffic marshals located at either end of the road closure to offer the best advice for access, based on individual requirements at any particular moment in time. Please ensure that social distancing guidelines are adhered to when speaking to the traffic marshals.

When entering the restricted area special care should be taken with regard to Contractor’s plant & freshly laid surfacing material. Would you also please ensure that any vehicles belonging to you are not parked in the above road whilst the work is in progress.

Sometimes while undertaking these works it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines to the full, and where this occurs mitigating actions will be taken to reduce the risk of transmission of the Coronavirus. Such mitigating actions include such things as cohorting (keeping the same members working in the same work gangs as much as possible), keeping windows open on vehicles that contain more than one operative and increased hand sanitizing.  These are all in line with the guidance issued to the construction industry by the government.

If the above date(s) coincide with your waste and recycling collection day, please be advised that collection times may change.  Therefore, please ensure your bags are presented by 7am on your collection day. If you are unsure as to when your collection please check on the following link:

The council apologise in advance for any inconvenience that the work may cause you. If you require any more information, please do not approach the operatives on site at this time but call Marlborough Highways on 020 7739 2976. The Contractor will also have Site Supervisors in attendance whilst the work is in progress who can be contacted on 07736 891784.

Should the programme be delayed due to inclement weather, mechanical breakdowns or circumstances due to updated guidelines surrounding the Coronavirus then signs will be erected either end of the street indicating the revised dates.


Author: Councillor Gerry O'Sullivan

Gerry is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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