Do you want Hylands Ward to become ‘Harrow Lodge Ward’? That’s what your Romford MP wants! Apparently, it’s only the ‘small park’ that uses the name Hylands, and no-one even knows where it is! 

In the first draft of the boundary changes due in 2022, the proposal for Hylands Ward was to split it in two, give each two Councillors, and call the southern half below Hornchurch Road, Harrow Lodge Ward. This split was a ploy by the administration to gain an extra Councillor for themselves (automatically assuming they would win all seats) and give them a  majority for the next election in May 2022. They have also done this in other Tory wards to gain extra seats, and reduced some Residents groups wards so we lose Cllrs.

The Boundary Commission published a 2nd set of draft recommendations on 12 January 2021, and they have decided to leave Hylands almost the same size, but the name change has remained. The reason they gave for this was due to the Romford MP, Romford Rotary Club, Harrow Lodge School and just four local residents pledging their support for the name.

In the 1964 local elections Hylands voted for 3 Labour Councillors and Hylands has been Hylands since the creation of the London Borough of Havering in 1965. In the 2002 boundary review, Harrow Lodge Ward was proposed with the park at it’s centre, but the idea was scrapped and Harrow Lodge Park still to this day sits in three wards, Elm Park, St Andrew’s and of course, Hylands. So that’s a lot of residents who would consider Harrow Lodge a big part of their ward, which could lead to confusion (one of the reasons given to the commission).  Hylands School (1930-1973), Hylands Park (late 1920’s – present day) , Hyland Way, Hyland Close, all part of Hylands Ward.

There is a consultation running on the new draft proposals till 8 March, and if you feel there should not be a name change use the LGBCE contact details below. Although there isn’t much time, please do get your objections in if you want to remain HYLANDS WARD.

ONLINE – https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/have-your-say/19555 


PHONE – 0330 500 1525

POST – LGBCE, 14th Floor, Millbank Tower, London SW1P 4QP

Author: Jody Ganly

Jody is a Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member for Hylands Ward.

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