Burglars are creeping back as Lockdown eases

On Sunday 5 July our neighbours (Carnforth Gardens) informed us that their front door had been tried at 1:15 am by toerags looking to break in.  We checked our cctv and can you believe it, there they were, two men in a small white car parked outside our house with the engine running while they decided which house to burgle.

They went across the road and tried the door handles of half a dozen houses, gained entry to none I am pleased to say and then drove off.  I don’t think it is a coincidence to say that of all the houses they tried to gain entry to, not one had a burglar alarm.

I emailed our local police Safer Neighbourhood Team and was very impressed when PCSO Michelle Hilton arrived at our door in the afternoon.  She took details and went to speak to all the householders involved to get details and offer advice.

Michelle also advised that in the last week there has been a burglary in Rosewood Avenue and Mungo Park Road.

Please be aware and please make sure you double lock your front door and close and lock your downstairs windows.

Thank you to our PCSO Michelle for her prompt action.






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Author: Stephanie Nunn

Steph is a Ward Councillor for Elm Park & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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