Thursday 19th December 2024
Dear Partners,
I am writing to share our vision for a new approach to youth based policing in London, which is in line with New Met for London. This letter outlines changes we are making, what you can expect and how we will continue to work collaboratively to ensure our young people are safe, thriving and supported.
Our Safer Schools Officers have done great work over the years, building trust, providing support and creating meaningful relationships with schools across London. Their contribution has been invaluable and as we set out in our Children’s Strategy, we are committed to a child-first approach to policing[1].
Currently, the role of Safer Schools Officers varies significantly. In some cases, officers’ have taken responsibilities better suited to professionals with specialised training, which has meant our work has moved away from our core responsibilities, such as crime prevention and safeguarding. The divergence from core policing responsibilities has created disparities in the service we can offer across London.
Next year we will be transitioning Safe Schools Officers into Dedicated Ward Officers to provide a more community-focused approach for youth-based policing. The new model will maintain strong links with schools while extending support into neighbourhoods, keeping children safe not only within school grounds but also during their journeys, at weekends and over holiday periods. Our goal is to remove barriers to effective policing and partnership efforts, enabling better collaboration to address youth-based crime wherever it occurs.
By integrating our work with schools into the broader work of our Neighbourhood Policing Teams, we can increase visibility, focus on safeguarding young people where they are most at risk and ensure that every child receives support regardless of their school or postcode.
Our new model prioritises the following:
- Being visible and accessible in the community. By embedding Dedicated Ward Officers into ward teams, we aim to bring officers to where children and parents need them most and not be confined to school buildings.
- Dedicated Ward Officers will prioritise community crime-fighting efforts while maintaining vital partnerships with schools to offer tactical advice and safeguarding support. We want every child in London to feel safe walking to and from school, in their local neighbourhoods and as they navigate their communities. Young people often face risks outside of the school gates. By focusing on these transitional spaces, we can better protect them and reduce victimisation.
- A dedicated police contact. Although officers will no longer be permanently based in schools, we will maintain close partnerships with educational establishments. Every school will have a dedicated point of contact to quickly escalate incidents, seek advice or address concerns.
This new approach aligns with strong community feedback emphasising the importance of visible policing and action to address crime in local wards. By increasing the resilience of Neighbourhood Policing Teams and sharing youth-specialist expertise across a broader pool of officers, we are creating a more adaptable and responsive service.
Change is always a challenge, but this transition offers an opportunity to reimagine how we engage with young people and communities. We are eager to work with you to shape this vision and ensure its success. Together, we can create safer, more inclusive spaces for young people to grow, learn and thrive.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Hutchison
Superintendent – Havering Neighbourhood Policing Team
[1] Available online at: