School Streets Consultations for Benhurst and Elm Park Primary Schools

Please see attached information on consultations in these areas, it is your opportunity to comment.

Author: Stephanie Nunn

Steph is a Ward Councillor for Elm Park & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

1 thought on “School Streets Consultations for Benhurst and Elm Park Primary Schools

  1. Elm Park Primary School Streets Consultation

    I think the consultation has been unreasonable and unfair.

    The letter was dated, 31st March 2023. The closing date is 23rd April. The letter makes the assumption that everyone has access to either, email, WiFi or a mobile to scan the QR code.

    The letter was received through the post on 13th April which also coincides with the Easter holidays and alot of neighbours in Maylands Avenue are on holiday. It just seems like this is being rushed thru on purpose by the local council.Three weeks for a Consultantion is not sufficient!

    Parking restrictions should be timed just like the single yellow line outside my front door from 8.30am to 10am in Maylands Avenue.
    It works well and people do not park on the yellow lines in the morning.

    We should have similar restricted parking at 3pm to 4pm in the afternoon. Outside the front gates of the school.

    I think all of this is an infringement on my personal privacy and data with cameras being installed. It is also unfair on the local shops and disabled people who need access to the street.

    Whilst I understand the environment benefits and safety of all, including Children is important. This scheme needs to consider educating and raising awareness with more timed restrictions near the school and not the whole street.

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