Which? Scam Alerts

Spotting a phoney heir hunter

It’s the job of an heir hunter to locate people who are legally entitled to inherit from a deceased relative’s estate, but are unaware of their legal claim. While legitimate ones exist, you’re just as likely to encounter an imposter.
When we surveyed our members who had been contacted by an heir hunter, half of them said that the claim wasn’t genuine. Find out more about phoney heir hunters and how to spot one.

How the scam works
‘I lost £83,000 to a remote access bank transfer scam’

Remote access software enables someone to access a device from any location, and it’s being used by scammers to pose as legitimate companies to transfer your money into their own accounts.
We heard from one reader who was duped by a fake Barclays employee. But after our intervention with the bank, the reader was reimbursed. Find out more about what happened and how to spot these types of scams.

Bank transfer scams

Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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