Poppy Appeal – Hornchurch 2020

As the poppy distributors are not going to be out as we normally are – please find attached some information that you may find useful – this also allows you to make a donation to the Royal British Legion via a QR scanner.

Terry Minshaw 07858746878 and Wendy Neal 07936133985 are able to supply wreaths, poppy lapel pins, poppies , car poppies etc. if needed from the RBL office in Hornchurch .

Messages can be left on the office phone , 01708 470730 . Ring either mobile numbers to arrange collection .

Poppies will be available in Sainsbury’s and Tesco’s supplied directly from RBL, Aylesford.

Donations and purchases can be made on line and at the poppy shop .
They can also be made at RBL , 205 High Street . Hx from 12 midday until 10 pm .
Supplies are kept in the main hall and at the bar .

Author: Paul Middleton

Paul is a Ward Councillor for St. Andrews & Hornchurch Resident's Association Executive member.

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