We noticed Bus Stop “W” by Freeborne Gardens had lost one of its sides, which was placed behind it.
We reported this on tfl.gov.help which is a website to report criminal damage, such as graffiti and fly posting or anti social behaviour.
We were pleased to see the white lines for footpath parking have finally been done outside The Cloisters as we have chased this up several times, but when we had a lot of rain it caused many similar jobs to be outstanding. White lines have also been repainted in Freeborne Gardens and on behalf of residents we have also requested junction protection (yellow lines on the corners) to aid sight lines when driving. We have also requested lines in Freeborne Gardens to stop selfish parkers blocking the drives to residents’ houses.
We were approached by residents who were concerned that a third shop in the Mungo Park Parade had applied to sell alcohol. The application was for a licence until 11 pm. The licensing hearing is on 24 April where residents’ objections will be considered
Please contact us if you see anything that we may be able to help with.
Councillor Stephanie Nunn
Councillor Barry Mugglestone